Email is a lousy way to manage legal work!

A Matter Management Board makes it easier for you to track your open matters, keep your files on time and on budget, and supervise remote teams

...without an upfront investment of your time or money!

The only matter management system you'll ever need

Running a busy law practice can be hectic and stressful, especially as your practice expands.

✅ You need an efficient way to visualize your matters and track work and issues in real time

✅ You want to improve internal operations and ensure client satisfaction

✅ You're looking for a matter management system that supports a remote team and ensures everyone is on the same page

We developed our Matter Management Board system after twenty years as practicing attorneys and we want to share it with you for FREE.

And the best thing: you've probably got everything you need to get started in your office right now.

Matter management is a core skill. If you do it wrong, you’ll end up frustrated and over budget. Issues may fall between the cracks. If you do it right, you’ll wish you had done it sooner!

Download the guide today!

Get your FREE introductory video and Quick-Start Guide.

Set up your own Matter Management Board in minutes (you've probably already got everything you need in your office right now)!

You’ll receive:

- Step-by-Step Board Builder Framework

- Easy Set-up checklist

- Templates for 3 different types of matter

Plus a short introductory video that shows you exactly how you can use this system in your law practice to make matter management a breeze!

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